Eric Williams

Graphic Art • Design • Illustration

Originally from Kingston, Ontario, Eric completed his Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Fine Art, with a minor in illustration at NSCAD University in 2015. During his education, he took every opportunity he could to take a balance of design and fine art courses to diversify his skill set.

His training and experience in both design and fine art give him a unique perspective among designers and artists alike. His diverse skill set has continued to develop in the years following his education. Taking any opportunity that arises to delve into a new medium whether digital or material.

In 2017 Eric saw a lack of access to affordable space and community for emerging artists in Kingston. With a small group of like-minded individuals, Eric founded Dead On, a low-cost art space for emerging artists. Through Dead On, Eric created events to build community and a space to hold it.

During his time running Dead On Eric started working for the textile screen printing company, Ironclad Graphics, as a sort of one-person art department. His roles included art finisher, art separator, print technician, graphic designer, digital print operator, digital cutter operator, and more.

In his spare time, Eric works to diversify his skill set even further. He has completed projects that incorporate 3D modelling and printing, animation, and a number of large-scale murals.